Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Evaluation Tasks...THREE in total

There are a few of these for you to do:

1. Review the previous music videos on the sheet you were given (and which you started in class). Rank the videos then BLOG why you think some videos were more successful - you're looking at WWW and EBI - "what went well?" and "even better if?". The sheet is HERE.

The sheets were given out in class. The videos are (from 2011-12) 13B1 (Rewind), 13B3 (What we started), 13B4 (Lost), 13B6 (Ike & Tina), 13E7 (12 Rounds) and 13E9 (Today I cried)
(from 2012-13) 13A1 (Sparks Fly), 13A2 (Life Happens), 13A3 (Nine2Five), 13E4 (If you wanna) and 13E6 (Go in, go hard).

All the videos on are COOMBEMEDIA youtube

2. You should also evaluate and review your foundation production, again started/explained in class and for which there are two sheets to help you. You need to look at ALL aspects of your production, planning, research, blogging, organisation etc as well as your actual film. You should cover each area and think through what went well and how you can learn from your mistakes (as well as repeating what you did well of course!). The sheet is HERE.

Areas to cover: research, planning design (incl storyboards etc), planning production (incl costumes, MES, continuity, equipment, lighting, actors), classwork and independent study, personal organisation (incl group work issues, meeting deadlines, working on blog AND filming at the same time etc), filming (practical issues with hardware), editing issues (incl hardware, software, time needed, collaboration, recording editing progress, working together), organising the blog (incl keeping it up to date, tracking progress, labelling etc), evaluation skills (incl addressing the questions, using evidence (did you have any??), how can you use the Yr13 evaluation questions now) and technology for evaluation (this year you must be better and ready - what went wrong last year? what took a long time? do you know how to actually use the software we have - if not, what are you going to do about it??)

3. Evaluate your 20 secs Music Video - process and product. Don't write loads, just write focused, analytical comments. Try to think 'what went well?' and 'even better if?'. Use the areas you've used to review the previous videos and your AS production in tasks 1 and 2 above to help you. The videos are all up on coombemedia youtube and linked on the main blog - everythingmediastudies.

Remember these are most of the core things we have been discussing:

Track choice
Green Screen - keep it tight
Ultra Key
Cuts to beat
Enough pace
Camera Movement and performance
Choreography and dancing
Partial Framing - use of out of focus shots (deliberate)
Extreme Close Ups
Text - use of
Bright Colours

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